Does my child have autism?
When parents, grandparents, or caregivers ask this question, it is prudent to seek medical evaluation. In some cases, their fears can be laid to rest. In others, autistic behaviors are simply the result of food allergies or nutritional deficiencies that can easily be addressed. Too often, however, the diagnosis is truly autism. The symptoms of autism may be present from birth or develop at any time prior to age three.
Many children have a period of typical development followed by a plateau or an actual loss of skills. Receptive language, expressive language, social skills, eye contact, and interest in previously enjoyed toys and activities decline, sometimes quite rapidly and dramatically. These changes may occur after an illness, vaccination, toxic exposure, or for no obvious reason. Autism can run in families, but in most cases there is no family history of the condition. It is frequently associated with recurrent ear infections, gastrointestinal symptoms such as diarrhea or constipation, multiple food allergies or sensitivities, abnormal sleep patterns, eating disorders, and obsessive compulsive behaviors. Effective treatments for these symptoms exist and can be very beneficial.
Warning signs of a child at risk for autism include the following:
Language delays or loss of receptive or expressive language
Loss of coordination or motor skills
Loss of interest in social interaction
Lack of response to name
Lack of interest in peers
Poor eye contact
Minimal interest in toys
Abnormal toy play such as lining up or stacking toys
Fascination with unusual objects or parts of objects
Failure to use gestures such as pointing or waving
Repetitive or odd behaviors
Insistence on rituals or routines
Picky eating habits
Craving of gluten or dairy products
Hand flapping
Toe walking
Lack of awareness of danger
Sensitivity to noise, touch, or light: easily over-stimulated
Erratic sleep pattern
Preference to be alone or apart from others
Excessive tantrums